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Freelance writer/ reporter for G33K-HQ, Otakus&Geeks, & The Cherry Picks.  

Also Writer, editor and creator of GothamGeekGirl: Covering 

Comics, Film, Cosplay, Anime, Gaming, Tech, and more!


Freelance Writer/ Media

(Online Magazine breaking news in Comics, Cosplay, Anime, Gaming, Tech, and more) 

Ω Strong written and verbal communication skills: Well-versed in Comics, TV, Film, Gaming and Entertainment. Î© Press coverage of conventions/ geek related events; contributes posts and content ideas for articles.
Ω Research trends and news, all while keeping up to date in the arts/ entertainment industry.
Ω Create content for marketing, promotion and advertising, including videos, giveaways and contests.
Ω Copy-writing/ Work with vendors to build audiences and increase overall engagement, build campaigns.
Ω Contributed to gaining over 25K monthly unique website visitors. (We have over 16K followers across our

Facebook with an average reach of 28K-80K a day. / We average 10.5K Tweet impressions monthly with 673 Twitter followers)



Freelance Writer/ Reporter

(Entertainment site covering anime, movies, video games, tv, and convention coverage)

Ω Access to PR and Professional Media contacts.
Ω Review the latest in comics, television, and film with access to screeners, premieres and events.
Ω Contribute written reviews, and press coverage of events, conventions, festivals and showcases.
Ω On- camera experience, video interviews with celebrities and various entertainment guests.
Ω Experience working with social media, video editing and CMS WordPress/ Squarespace.
Ω Utilize advertising with partners by incorporating the use of products into video posts on social platforms

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